MIDLOTHIAN, VIRGINIA— The Accreditation for Cardiovascular Excellence (ACE), an independent, physician-led organization that evaluates and monitors facilities that provide cardiovascular care, reaffirms its decision to accredit Saint Joseph London because of the hospital’s concerted effort to improve quality care monitoring policies and procedures. Since 2012, Saint Joseph London has undertaken intentional, proactive efforts to ensure quality of cardiovascular care.
The hospital submitted an application for ACE accreditation for its diagnostic cardiac catheterization (Cath) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures in November 2016 and received ACE accreditation in the spring of 2017.
Accreditation for Cardiovascular Excellence provides an independent review of an organization’s performance and processes against specific and rigorous evidence-based standards, above and beyond what is generally required by state or local government agencies. Seeking ACE accreditation signals an organizational investment in, and commitment to, exemplary quality in providing services. Achieving ACE accreditation is a significant achievement in the provision of quality cardiac care.
“Saint Joseph London is proud to have received ACE accreditation from the only independent accrediting agency for cardiovascular excellence,” said Terry Deis, president, Saint Joseph London. “ACE sets stringent standards for quality in cardiovascular care. The endorsement of our program is just one illustration of our commitment to provide high quality cardiac care to patients in the communities we serve.”
ACE’s review processes do not allow applicant organizations to cherry pick flattering clinical data for review, as may be the case with other accreditation services. Instead, ACE collects detailed information about all procedures performed at a location and reviews the data with the help of sophisticated randomization technology. Furthermore, ACE requires an on-site observational review, providing opportunities to examine and discuss site-specific concerns. As a result, the process is highly likely to expose pervasive issues leading to substandard care, which can then be addressed and corrected by the hospital or Cardiac Care center.
Accreditation in Kentucky is currently voluntary. ACE believes Saint Joseph London’s commitment of resources and energy toward the achievement of accreditation signals its ongoing commitment to quality care and continuous quality improvement. All facilities interested in seeking this recognition should be commended for their willingness to open their doors and processes to third party experts for qualitative monitoring and review.
ACE accreditation is available in a variety of different cardiovascular procedures. For more information about ACE accreditation, please contact Executive Director Sean McElgunn at sean@cvexcel.org or call 804.245.9211.